Sharing my experience as an Adobe consultant

Articles by category: Opinion

23 Feb 2025

Adobe Summit 2025

Just a quick note today. I am happy to announce that I will delivering a session titled “Before the Login: How Sling TV Turns Anonymous Visitors into Customers”, with Anish Raul from Sling TV at the upcoming Adobe Summit. Last year I could not go, but this 2025 I will be again in Las Vegas. I am excited!

17 Feb 2025

Test, Test, Test

If you have watched Mad Men, you will notice one detail about the marketing campaigns they created: it had to be a success right from the beginning, there was no room for errors. One of the reasons the main character (Donald Draper - Jon Hamm) is so successful, is because his campaigns are almost always perfect: they convince the client and be public alike. He could even convince the public to smoke more when health organizations were advocating for the opposite.

19 Jan 2025

Buy a Raspberry Pi

I was thinking about what I could write in my first post of 2025 when I remembered something I had seen with some customers. This post is my point of view of a decision I have witnessed or heard more often than what I would have initially expected: big corporations purchasing a license for an expensive enterprise tool, only to have it sitting on a virtual shelf, unused.

30 Dec 2024

2024 Retrospective

We are at the end of 2024. It feels like events are happening faster than ever. Five hundred years ago, most people spent their entire lives in the same area and rarely experienced significant changes in their way of living. Now, we receive news every month about new inventions, revolutions, and shifts in paradigms that we often do not fully understand. I remember when reading vehicle license plates was considered AI; now this technology is nearly a commodity.

I have already written about the problem with flicker and the main solutions to it. I also remember how I received some comments agreeing with my views about the page speed zealots. The obsession with page speed is ever-increasing, which is having some unintended consequences. Today I want to show how you cannot have everything and you need to find a compromise.

27 Oct 2024

The Architect Role

In 2016 I had the privilege and pleasure of being part of the first cohort of Multi-Solution Architects at Adobe Consulting. We had to undergo super-intense training, but it was worth every second. I learned a lot and met with exceptional coworkers. I still remember those days as one of the best experiences I have had at Adobe. A lot has changed during these 8 years (already 8 years!?), which means that the role has also changed significantly. So I thought it was time to write a follow-up to the post I wrote on the role of the Multi-Solution Architect when I started this path.

As a small kid, I loved watching Sesame Street. One of my favorite characters was the Cookie Monster. I liked how he would try to eat as many cookies as possible, creating a mess. I later heard that there was an initiative to make him eat vegetables and fruits, but I never saw it and I do not know how true that statement was. Returning to the mess, this is a very accurate picture of what we have today with browser cookies, especially third-party cookies.

11 Aug 2024

Naming Convention

Ever since I started working as an Adobe Analytics consultant, more than 10 years ago, I always recommended my clients to follow a naming convention. I probably should have done a better job of explaining the why and the how. They say it is better late than never, so I am going to redeem myself today.

Earlier this year, Google reached an agreement to delete billions of records. This time, the reason was how private browsing was perceived vs. what it really was. This post will explore the technical aspects of private browsing, the lawsuit, and how it can affect digital marketing in general.

Many of you may be wondering what the heck I am going to write about today with this title. I know, the first time you hear these words together it sounds like someone made a bad choice of words. However, once you finish reading this post, it will make a lot of sense. In fact, I am sure you will get it even before getting to the end.

07 May 2024

SMART Use Cases

My first post of the year, where I talk about use cases vs capabilities, has been very successful. Even last week a coworker mentioned it to me, 4 months after publishing it. The interest in this topic has kept me thinking about what else I could write about. Then I had a flash, an idea where I realized that there are certain parallelisms between SMART goals and use cases, and I am going to explore them.

In my last post, I introduced the problem with flicker. The post was already becoming too long and I decided to split it into two. This is the second part, where I will explain the solutions that can be applied. If you have landed directly on this post, I strongly recommend that you first read my previous post.

For the past 5 years or more, almost every client I work with has raised their concerns about flicker or the causes that generate flicker. For reasons that will become clearer in this post, this topic tends to be a bit heated, with very strong opinions on either side. I will try to stay away as much as I can from subjective matters, but I will also give you my point of view. This is the first post of a two-part series, where I will talk about the problem and potential solutions to this issue.

25 Feb 2024


This is a post I have had on my list for quite some time and today I thought it was high time I wrote about it. If you do a quick Internet search, you will see that this topic is very popular, with hundreds of results. I will not repeat what others are saying. Instead, I will provide my point of view with the aim of clarifying what each acronym is and is not. I know there is some confusion about these terms.

First post of 2024! Throughout my career at Adobe, I have seen from time to time a conflict between the two potential approaches when implementing a new technology: base it on use cases or base it on capabilities. I have a very hard time when I have to face this discussion with my customers, as I understand both sides and see the benefits of both approaches. However, the choice will have a deep impact on the future usage of the tool.

31 Dec 2023

2023 Restrospective

Here we are again, at the end of another year. I remember a conversation with my grandmother many years ago, where she told me that, for her, the days just flew. As I grow old, I am beginning to feel the same. Just looking at this blog, I started it almost 9 years ago, with my first post in February 2015. A lot has happened since then, but today I will only cover the events of 2023.

26 Nov 2023


Ever since I had my first statistics lesson in high school, I have hated the subject. All I can really understand is that each side of an unloaded dice has a probability of 1/6. Other, more complex concepts like stochastic processes are just black magic to me. Unfortunately for me, there is one area of digital marketing that requires a good knowledge of statistics: the measure of incrementality. I do not claim to be an expert, but I more or less understand the important concept behind it. I will do my best to explain it in this post, although this is more for me to keep track of something I have learned.

23 Jul 2023

Loyalty Data

Digital marketing requires enough customer data to be able to segment your customer base and run personalized campaigns. Quite often I find clients who tell me that they have very little data from their customers, leaving them mainly with anonymous behavioral data. In some cases, there is a fairly easy solution: a loyalty program. Let me explain the benefits you get beyond the “loyalty” part.

04 Jun 2023

Why, What, How

You probably remember when you were in primary or secondary school and you were taught about the five Ws: who, what, when, where, and why. Some people will also add how, me being one of them. It is very handy that, in English, these words start with WH, making them easy to remember. When you learned them, they were just boring language constructs you had to learn. However, over the years I have realized that they are much more important than just that. It helps a lot to ask these questions in everything in life, but today I will focus on digital marketing.

As I explained in my last post, I was invited to attend the US Summit 2023, an invitation that made me very happy. If you have attended this year or any of the previous events, this post is probably not for you. However, if you have never attended, this will give you a flavor of what you get.